It is so various in its manifestations, that it seems as if we took a new lesson in it every day. Did He, the Apostle on earth of His Father in heaven, continue to pursue His Divine mission in Hades? I have heard an esteemed Edinburgh minister tell of his visiting an aged Christian man on his deathbed, and saying to him, "Is it not a happy thing that we have the gospel set forth in so few and in such simple words?" Earth and hell may combine against my weak nature; but there I see that nature standing in the Godhead glorified, and I know that I am safe. THEIR HISTORY.1. For each one of them He kindled the light of conscience or of revelation, to show them the way, and they shut their eyes upon it. It was, in some sort, as if one's nearest and dearest relation were made absolute king of the country. You may, without presumption, imagine Him, then, saying to some of His good angels, "Here is one who lays down to rest, desiring to dwell under the defence Of the Most High; he hath set his love upon Me, and tried to know My name; therefore do you, My good angels, take charge of him, and keep him from the evil that walketh in darkness. And so it is with the threatenings of God now; there are few that credit them, and millions that disbelieve them; which are right, the few or the millions? (4)In filial fellowship and friendship.3. Men in countless myriads are in heaven white robed, praising God; and one Man is actually on the throne of God, vicegerent, Lord over all; having every knee to bow before Him, and every tongue to call Him Lord, to the glory of God the Father.II. "(Sketches of Four Hundred Sermons. So shall it also be with you. All our approaches to God should be through Jesus Christ. It is His manhood that is at the right hand of God. Huntington. And so it is with the threatenings of God now; there are few that credit them, and millions that disbelieve them; which are right, the few or the millions? The personal efficacy of Christ's atonement. Christ was "without sin." This certainty of angelical aid, so far as we are on Christ's side, we have by His exaltation into heaven, and the subjection to Him of angels, authorities, and powers. (2)In will. That is a spurious philanthropy which seeks to depreciate the gospel.(J. Morally: They remove the enmity of the human heart, and are the means of uniting the soul in love to its Maker.3. (John Rogers. "Quickened." Nay, further yet; by one true and deep interpretation of it the Cross of our Saviour is but the symbol of this doctrine. He realises what it will be to have their family left without a head, his mother a widow, the old home stripped of its light and joy, and, quick as thought, he steps in where his father stood, and falls in his stead. The wisdom of Christ, the singleness of His purpose, the central power of His action, start out before us then; and we feel that He was indeed one who was fitted to deal with the great fact of human suffering, as He could thus put His finger on the very place whence it all flowed. The language intimates that Christ the just One, hath suffered for the sins of the unjust. Our baptism is into Him, and He meets the baptism for us which would have carried us away. But we can bring the doctrine home much closer to our personal feeling than this. Take the broadest divisions of the human family — races and nations. Grace is undeserved favor from God. He draws them to the Cross, and you may be sure He will draw them to the crown.(C. Price.I. It seems to me that there are some few passages in Scripture which indicate the broad theory that all men of all ages, who in this life never had the opportunity of hearing of Christ and of His salvation, will not perish hereafter for lack of that opportunity given some time, but failing this world will find that opportunity in the world to come; and if they are equal to it, if by patient continuance in well-doing here they are able to meet it, then they will embrace the gospel, and become par takers of the kingdom of heaven, if not as princes and rulers in Israel, yet as subjects. To sit at the right hand of God is the highest conceivable glory. Were His sufferings the consequence of His own desert? 2. Scripture: 1 Peter 3:7. He has to wait even for His own people that He has redeemed — the Church that He has purchased with His blood — in her backward and worldly living. — not in His Divine nature — that is impassible — but in His human nature, which is passible. This His glorious state of final perfection of humanity is not His alone. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Others think the way of pardon is trying to be as good as they can — saying their prayers, and striving to do what is right. THAT THERE ARE HUMAN SPIRITS WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE PRISON OF HELL FOR CENTURIES, TO WHOM THE GOSPEL WAS ONCE PREACHED. THEY WERE ENDURED ON BEHALF OF THE UNJUST.1. Some people think it is enough to ask pardon. I am gone, and you must be gone, This is not your place of resting, but you must prepare yourselves for a time when it shall be said of each one of you, 'He is gone.'" It comes from the first wailings of the infant to the last enfeebled cry of old age. It is not as a single event by itself that the resurrection stirs our hearts: it is because it is connected with the whole nature of our being, with the whole work of Christ's life, and with the mysteries of our existence, and of the world forever. How can I do this mean act, speak that false word, do that great wickedness, and sin against Christ?" The salvation of believers lies not in meeting God for themselves, when the vials of His wrath for sin are poured out; but in being found in Christ, when He receives His people's due. We are saved by a flood. We naturally think, even from our childhood, a good deal of the spiritual world; of beings out of sight, who yet, for aught we know, may often be very near us, and may have great power to do us good, or to hurt us in body and soul. Thomas, D. D.I. Our doctrine is not sentiment, and view, and opinion, but fact.2. But Christ was not an ordinary man. HIS AUTHORITY.1. They listened, indeed, from their sullen prisons to the heavenly Herald of mercy, and, as they listened to Him, they learned that He had died for the sins of the whole world, that He had died even for their sins, but at the same time they knew of themselves that He was not their present Saviour but their future Judge. By His atoning sacrifice, thereby removing every obstacle in the way of the sinner's access to God.2. He seems to say, "Upwards, My brethren, upwards from off this earth; away from this world to the glory land. He is the just One, the equal of Jehovah, and who could have compelled Him to suffer? Very seldom has He come to them with sudden judgments or wide spread desolations. THE HIGHEST INSTANCE OF UNDESERVED PERSECUTION.1. What object did the Almighty Ruler contemplate in those stupendous arrangements? II. It was His pleasure to remain on earth during those forty days, in order to show Himself alone to His disciples, and to establish beyond doubt the fact that He was risen from the dead; but they were only a delay interposed before that triumphant departure whose way was already prepared. "(Plain Sermons by Contributors to "Tracts for the Times. He is afflicted in all our afflictions.1. It is not the out ward act of washing with water that can save a soul from the dangers that surround us. He had spoken in the days of His flesh of being "straitened" till the great "baptism" was accomplished. It gathers to itself all the words of the Sermon on the Mount, all the exhortations of nobleness of life, and living above this world, which had been dropping from Jesus' lips ever since He began His ministry. Those evil angels cannot do that evil they would, and if they cannot, much less can their instruments. The character and success of the great work would be largely indicated by the effect on Him who undertook it; the question which all must ask is, What part of Him gained, and what part of Him lost? Christ preached to them, by Noah, when on earth. Fixing, perhaps, on the first man by lot, he is marked out for death, and every tenth man thereafter, counting from him. In others, as in the case of the prodigal, there is a time, sharp and distinct, when reflection arrests them in their course of sin and folly. R. He replied, "Substitution!" Thomas, D. D.)The spirits in prisonEssex Remembrancer.I. From this interpretation of the text an inference may be drawn. It is in every station and rank of life. It was the Father's witness to His being the Son of God; in that He has raised Him from the dead. Death dissolved the compound. You now see how false is the common notion which many have of religion. When tempted to relax or disobey, you will answer your tempter, "I have placed myself in the hands of Christ; I am not my own. Your sufferings shall not clip your wings, but add to your powers of flight. We are not at home on earth. Outward appearances may discourage me to the utmost. As Noah remained safe, shut up within the ark, while it received the surges of the deluge; so we, in Christ our refuge, are unhurt, while He meets and exhausts in our stead the justice due to sin. In the first place, we see by the parallel drawn between THE FAITH OF A CHRISTIAN AND THE PRESERVATION OF NOAH IN THE DELUGE, that we must look for a deluge answering to that which then came upon the world. Far better, and far more true, is it to suppose that He preached Himself, the One Saviour, to all alike. The word Christ properly means one anointed or consecrated to some sacred office.2. It was His pleasure to remain on earth during those forty days, in order to show Himself alone to His disciples, and to establish beyond doubt the fact that He was risen from the dead; but they were only a delay interposed before that triumphant departure whose way was already prepared. The root word for “understanding way” is personal knowing–experiential, relational knowledge, best friend intimacy. Consider the greatness and continuance of His sufferings, His whole life was one continued line of suffering from the manger to the Cross. First of all, then, the ascension of Jesus was the seal of the accomplishment of redemption. And so I would that you should be ever conscious of the dignity and honour of the relation that you sustain to Christ. If persons who care for earthly things would rejoice in such a change as that, and consider their own fortune made, how much more joy to those who care for heavenly things, when we set our hearts to consider that He who laid down His life for us, He is made the great King in heaven and earth, and has all the treasures of grace and glory put forever into His hand. A prison is a scene of thoughtfulness. In that He appoints them to watch and guard us —(1) What a great honour is this to us. They begin thus — "Who is gone into heaven." But wait a little; why did he do it? Now, all these hateful things, in every instance, are known to God. God's long suffering waited for them.Applications:1. A young Jew held out his hand, as being prepared to give an answer, and said, "It is just as if we had the merit; it is just as if we had been crucified!"III. You know how the soldier is fired with the sense of his dignity as a soldier. Immortal.II. The deluge of wrath, then, will come, like the deluge that swept away the millions of mankind in the days of Noah.II. These "spirits" were "disobedient once" — and the tense suggests an act of decisive and definite disobedience — "at the time when the long suffering of God was waiting in the days of Noah." McMordie, M. A.I. The issue of His sufferings. We find no hope of the resurrection but in the greatness of Christ, in His intimate and personal connection with the Father. His justice must be vindicated. Legally: They remove all governmental obstructions to reconciliation.2. A philanthropic age needs the Cross, men anxious to alleviate the sufferings of the world need to have their own hearts broken for their sins, and all of us need to cling to these events of the suffering and death of Christ, and to feel that they contain the very power of our lives within them — the power of forgiveness and redemption, the power of happiness, the power of true labour, the power of the life eternal for this world and for the world that is to come. THE SALVATION OF CHRISTIANS BY BAPTISM is like the saving of Noah by the waters of the flood.1. "Quickened." But here it is not likeness, it is dependence, that is brought out. His work which He wrought in our nature was the rescuing it from the dominion of sin, and bringing it into union with God. Arnot. J. A young Jew held out his hand, as being prepared to give an answer, and said, "It is just as if we had the merit; it is just as if we had been crucified!"III. The deliverance. J. Brock, B. A.I. When that declaration or compact has been made by both parties the man puts the ring on the finger of the woman as a sign or evidence that such declaration has been made. There is one Shelter from the coming deluge of God's wrath, one only Ark, for a lost soul; unless we are saved by that, we perish. All our approaches to God should be through Jesus Christ.(S. St. Peter expatiates in the field thus entered. Will you have Him? When Solomon would describe the love of the King to his bride, he said, "Upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of Ophir." "It is certain that the offer of salvation formed a part at least of His Divine message. The lesson was about the crucifixion of Christ, and the teacher asked, "What connection have we with the work and death of the Lord Jesus?" Sin entered into the world, and death by sin. THEIR HISTORY.1. He reminds us that the Saviour Himself, remaining below, must have been confined by earth's conditions. THEIR HISTORY.1. It was the nature of Christ to suffer for sinners. Christians! While the lifeless body was hanging for its last hour on the tree, He, the living spirit, was using the new liberty in a special office and mission — He was on a journey — He was making Paradise itself a scene of activity — "in the spirit," St. Peter says, "He went and preached to the spirits in prison." But there must be more further up!” And again she heads up another flight. )Christ in the flesh and in the spiritA. He suffered for me. Let it open to thee just a glimpse of realities out of thy sight! Consider, first, what a thing it is to know that the good angels are on our side, that they camp about us to deliver us. Thomas, D. D.I. There is, however, a catch. The character and success of the great work would be largely indicated by the effect on Him who undertook it; the question which all must ask is, What part of Him gained, and what part of Him lost? "He is gone up into heaven, despite all who raged against Him." Crimes were laid to His charge which His righteous soul abhorred. Our baptism is into Him, and He meets the baptism for us which would have carried us away. This is no past matter. Why? But is there any man to tell us, on the word of God, that the disobedient prophet is among the lost — that his is so much as one of the "spirits in prison"? Angels are subject to Him whom they nailed to the Cross, and at whom they wagged their heads. To those who have a personal interest in His sacrifice, Christ's suffering for sin takes away the sting of suffering. Co-extensive with the universe.2. It is the correction of all that is carnal and all that is superstitious in our religion. Now, what the wedding ring is to the married couple and society, baptism is to the believer and Christ. The brief but expressive answer was, "I have taken Him to be my substitute!" If it were not for sin we should have nothing to fear. 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